Why You Should Start a Vietnamese Language Course in Singapore And 5 Tips to Do It Efficiently!

If you are travelling to Vietnam, learning a few Vietnamese words will help you a lot in your journey. The local population will be very happy to see you making the effort to speak their language. If you come to live a few months or a lifetime in Vietnam, learning the language will open up unimaginable prospects for you, both professionally and personally. So let’s take a look at the benefits of you taking up a Vietnamese Language Course in Singapore and what windows of opportunities this will open up for you.

My 5 tips to learn Vietnamese efficiently:
1.    More than for learning any other language; be motivated and persevering. If you do not understand yourself at first, continue to improve.
2.    Learn to master the tones in an unconventional way (lower your chin to pronounce the low tone, raise your head to pronounce the high tone ...). This technique is very famous in any Vietnamese language course in Singapore.
3.    Be like a baby who learns to speak: Vietnamese is completely different from European language, so you will have to start from scratch
4.    Find a partner: it will be more motivating and will allow you to improve faster than with a simple manual.
5.    Take pleasure: if learning Vietnamese really requires a lot of time and effort, you still have to enjoy it.

Let’s be real, Vietnamese is a language that is difficult to learn. This requires a significant investment of time and energy. However, mastering this language will open up unsuspected horizons for you. It is, therefore, useful to ask why it is interesting (and sometimes necessary) to learn Vietnamese.

Why learn Vietnamese?

It should first be noted that you will be able to visit comfortably, to live a few months or a few years, even a whole life in Vietnam without speaking Vietnamese. However, mastering the Vietnamese language, even basic, has many advantages. It has many similarities with why you would want to Learn Thai language.

An asset for work

Even if the vast majority of expatriates do not speak Vietnamese, mastery of the language will not be an insignificant advantage if you are looking for work. To choose between two people having the same CV, the recruiter will take the one who will know how to speak Vietnamese. This is also the same if you want to learn Thai language.

If you start your own business or if you are sent by your company to Vietnam, speaking Vietnamese will allow you to interact much more easily with the staff, customers and suppliers. You can also participate more actively in the life of the company.

Be independent

Many people who arrive in Vietnam and who do not speak the language are dependent on a friend or local knowledge for many tasks of everyday life. If you know how to speak Vietnamese, you can shop alone, negotiate the price, or even simply order easily in a restaurant without having to be accompanied by a Vietnamese.

Discover Vietnam

Finally, if you learn Vietnamese in Singapore, this will allow you to meet and converse with anyone in Vietnam. It is true that more and more Vietnamese speak English, but even if you speak Shakespeare, your contacts will be limited. You can chat with street vendors, your neighbours, and even participate in all conversations with your friends! And this will also allow you to better understand the Vietnamese culture. Is it not that a language is a reflection of a culture?

Stanford Language Center
Contact- +65 97-379914
Email- info@stanford.com.sg
